A note...

Once you try any of these recipes, please comment on what you think!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Salsa Chicken

This is Kandis' recipe:

Put your chicken breasts in a crock pot - I usually put about 4-6. Pour over top a jar of salsa (a small or medium size jar will do....not a Costco size he he) and then sprinkle a pack of taco seasoning over the chicken and salsa.

Let cook all day.

Then about 1/2 hour before serving put about a cup to a cup and a half of sour cream in the crock pot with chicken and sauce and it will melt. Before serving stir everything really good so the sour cream mixes.

Serve over white rice.

I promise it is so good... I have given this recipe to so many and EVERYONE loves it!


1 comment:

Heath and Brandie said...

Loved it! I also have tried it with chicken in a crockpot, salsa, and cream cheese cook all day and put on a tortilla.